Monday, May 26, 2008

Another Day in Paradise..........

It's been a nice day and outside, presently, reminds me of Seattle or 'Up North' somewhere, more coastal definitely,as we are having different weather for this area/this time of the yr...Cool and damp with occasional showers, but I must say that I'm enjoying the 'greening' of everything w/o having to water and luckily it isn't really very cold out there...Spent most of the day just cruising around the property and per normal ???dealing with various online EFT/ ENERGY related sites..Lots of info available! If you're not aware of it, well, I'm a BIG EFT guy. I've had some great and effective things take place, effortless and really enjoy the research into the bodies 'subtle' energy systems..Oh, and of course, La Lingua..Always La Lingua...I usually start my day chkg-out a few Italy related sites that seque into a look at La Lingua sites...Hey "Why Not?"/ "Perche No?"..Ce SEMPRE qualcosa nuova/differente per imparare..Cosi'Sia!! I'm getting ready to jump in the car and go buy some pellets ("Go Figure ! Buying pellets in late May") but least they're available, which is novel in and of itself... Of late, it's like pulling teeth to get me off the property..I'm very content, most days, to just be have to give-in and occasionaly hit the market, etc. ..And So BE It.......AND...On We Go/Flow...On a 'Slow Boat' down the Grand Canal.
Treat yourself well!!

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